Aluminium Windows by REYNAERS – Versatile Profiles for the Future

Our innovative aluminium profiles by Belgian manufacturer REYNAERS offer the right solution for all of your window needs. Lightweight, robust and easy to maintain, aluminium is an excellent choice in contemporary window construction. In addition, REYNAERS' dimensionally stable and at the same time slim profiles enable the production of fine, large windows with huge glass surfaces - for more natural light. Countless, countless colours and designs with matt, glossy or metallic paint and wood effects and as well as COATEX coating offer you maximum freedom of design.


Five Profile Types for your Individual Needs

We offer the most compact and tough aluminium frame systems that REYNAERS makes today. They are the MasterLine 8, SL 38, CS 68, CS 86-HI and CS 77 and all have offer a minimum security level of RC2. The C77 can even offer RC3 security levels with bullet resistance. The SL 38, 77 CS and CS 68 are also fire retardant. Due to their unique insulation design, these profiles achieve high levels of air-tightness and moisture resistance to driving rain. You can choose between double or triple glazing. Three systems offer slim profiles with a concealead sash for an elegant look while the SL 38 offers a minimalist steel look. In addition to windows, they offer a range of doors, sliding doors, sun shade systems and many other products with excellent high energy efficiency.

Insulation up to Passive House levels

REYNAERS' five window systems are classified into the following categories based on their insulation ability: Medium, High, Minergie, Minergie P and Super High. The MasterLine 8, SL 38 and CS 86-hi all fall into the most efficient category. In many countries, government subsidies and credits are available for installing energy-efficient building components. Be sure to check whether they are offered in your area. Minergie and Minergie-P are Swiss standards for excellent energy-efficiency and comfort. In addition, REYNAERS offers complementary sun shading systems.

Robust Construction for Better Security

Aluminium windows and doors naturally offer high strength and resistance to moisture, corrosion, scratches, temperature fluctuations - and burglary. Aluminium is light, but extremely strong, so that it provides excellent basic security. REYNAERS profiles can be fitted with different security hardware including multiple locking points. Anti-drilling protection plate and anti-lift device are included. These systems are tested according to European standards by official certification bodies such as SKG, IFT, WTCB TNO, Peutz, Efectis, ITB and WFRG.


All aluminium profiles are offered in a range of colours. They are applied via powder coating to offer superior surface protection and looks. Coloured powder is sprayed onto statically charged profile surfaces and then finished in an oven. The powder fuses with the aluminium forming a stable protective layer. The process of anodising is just as important to durability. Coast areas benefit in particular from additional surface protection against saltwater.

Contact us today about custom made aluminium window systems from Neuffer with the colour, glazing, insulation and soundproofing you require. We will be happy to provide technical advice to ensure you get the most accurate offer possible.

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