Timber's beauty and natural appeal makes it a top choice for patio doors worldwide. Combined with large, eye-catching glass surfaces, they can provide stunning panoramic views while retaining superior energy performance. Whether French doors, sliding or folding, they are all available with extremely large openings. Our range of doors are all customisable ensuring we have the solution for your unique project. Regardless of opening mechanism and size, every aspect of the glazing, frame, function and fittings can be individually chosen by you.

A Seamless Transition from Living Room to Garden

Despite the development of materials such as fiberglass, uPVC and aluminium, timber remains popular as ever for patio doors. It is competitive in performance and unmatched in character while also being renewable and fully recyclable. Timber has been at the core of our windows and doors since first setting up shop in 1872. Some of its many advantages include:

  • Aesthetics - Dozens of species, possible finishes and custom colours
  • Great sound and thermal insulation
  • Weather resistance
  • Durability and Security
  • Curb appeal and increased home value

Timber patio doors can transform a room, allowing in more natural light, creating great views and letting you enjoy your garden from indoors as well. We offer timber frames for each of our four different types which can then be further customised by material, colour, glazing, size and shape.

Safety First

Solid timber provides a strong and durable frame for any style of patio door. But of course, the area most critical is obviously the large glass surface and your choice of how it is glazed plays the biggest role. Luckily, we offer multiple configurations of laminated safety glass. This type of glass is commonly found in automobiles and consists of two sheets of glass that are pressed and bonded together under heat. A thin layer of clear plastic material, either polyvinyl butyrate or ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA), is sandwiched between them, finishing the lamination. You can choose between both multiple thicknesses as well as whether to employ it on only the exterior panes or interior and exterior. Additional security fittings and multiple locking points can also be employed if desired.

Low Energy Costs with Excellent Insulation

Technically speaking, wood is a soft material, absorbing heat, cold and sound waves effectively whether hardwood or softwood.  With the choice of special options for how your door is glazed, you can optimise U-values and energy-efficiency by selecting double or triple glazing. Even styles with comparatively smaller surfaces such as French doors still benefit significantly as they are essentially large windows. This is true regardless whether glazed for thermal or acoustic insulation, or even both.

Wood is already a great natural insulator and adding double or triple glazing only boosts that further.

The glazed components can have up to three panes with spaces between them. Both the panes and air gaps resist the movement of energy from one side to the other, whether thermal energy (i.e. heat or cold) or acoustic (e.g. external noise such as traffic or barking). These gaps can additionally be filled with argon gas, which is less conductive to standard air, and thus superior for this purpose. 

High-End Opening Mechanisms available in all Dimensions

Our balcony and patio doors are available in four different opening styles. Based on your project's available space, the doors' functional purpose and your own taste, you have the choice of:

  • Lift and slide
  • Tilt and slide
  • French doors
  • Bifold (or folding)

Each system has its own advantages and space requirements as outlined below.

Sliding Doors: Lift and Slide or Tilt and Slide

In the past, sliding doors simply slid horizontally open or close. Nowadays, sliding doors come in two variations. The first is tilt and slide, which as the name suggests enables it to slide back and forth horizontally or be tilted inwards like a window for ventilation. Second, and on its way to becoming the standard are lift and slide doors. Instead if merely sliding, a turn of the handle lifts the sash up off the ground and then allows you to move it along the top and bottom guide rails. The major advantage is one of energy-efficiency. When closed, the sash is "dropped" down meaning its entire weight is used to seal against air infiltration which leads to energy loss. The mechanism is easier than traditional sliding as well as leading to much better U-values.

Timber French Doors & Timber Bifold Doors

Another modern invention is the bifold door, or folding door. It consists of multiple connected sashes which can be opened individually and all slid together and stacked on the side like long closet doors. Thus, folding doors create even larger open spaces than sliding doors and the flexibility to open some or all.

French doors are the final option and perhaps the best known and most classic. Functioning like large casement timber windows, they are mounted on hinges and swing open (inwards or outwards based on your preference)

Individual Designs for your Patio

All our wood comes prefinished and is available in a wide range of colours including the RAL palette and natural stains and finishes. Your wood choices are also many including classics like oak, spruce and larch, as well as more exotic types like meranti and eucalyptus. Optional glazing bars are also available to match your home's historic look and your personal taste.

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